Pre-Primary - Yoga Day

Pre-Primary celebrates International Yoga Day

June 21, 2024, the Pre-Primary students of National Public School Kalkere, enthusiastically participated in lieu of Yoga Day celebrations. The event, which was led by the teachers, began with an introduction to yoga - which is an art of healthy living, encouraging physical and mental well-being by virtue of meditative movement.

The children warmed up with head to toe exercises before safely diving into yoga poses inspired by the tale of a colourful butterfly named Tia. As the story unfolded, children mimicked Tia's actions, starting with the Tree Pose (Vrikshaasana) to improve posture and height. They then practiced the Cobra Pose (Bhujangaasana) on encountering a snake in the story, the pose aids flexibility and strength. Followed by the Butterfly Pose which relaxes hips and thigh muscles. After which, students performed the Bee Pose (Bhramari pranayama) which helps calm the mind with buzzing sounds. To boost cardiovascular health, they performed Bastrika Pranayama before concluding with meditation fostering inner peace through Chin mudra.

Reflective questions about Tia's adventure helped students reinforce their understanding of yoga's benefits.