Pre-Primary Co-ordinator

Message from Pre-Primary Co-ordinator

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn - Ignacio Estrada."

The one thing necessary to achieve any goal worth having is …. DISCIPLINE

One of the concerns of a teacher is to maintain the order of the classroom by ensuring that the students are well disciplined. This is one way of making certain that they are fully focused and imbibe knowledge in a pleasant learning environment. Discipline at various levels becomes a necessity. However, questions are raised concerning discipline.

Why is discipline important for a child?

Without discipline children will lack self - control. They will not respect their parents or elders. They will not have social skills that are important for making friends, such as empathy, patience and knowing how to share.

In short discipline is about teaching children a system of values that they can use to guide them through life. This system can lead to a healthier emotional life that promotes the development of self -motivation, self -control, personality, and decision-making process.

Best wishes,

Ms Pamela Selvaraj